
today was really rather lovely. i woke up early and excited to do something different. to explore places i haven't seen.. my outfit was cute simple and colorful, but also practical for the adventure. seeing shea this morning was nice, she is just a good soul. reminds me of the adult version of rachel poole, they have a similar 'walk' and mannerisms. she was running late so i fell asleep on the bed for about thirty minutes, drifting in and out of conisousness. there wasn't much traffic so we arrived quickly. the dark gloomy storm front hovered over the city as we searched for the perfect fabrics. the fashion district is a dark scrappy place, where things move quick and are hustled around in a hurry for cheap. shea was telling me that this reminded her of living in manhattan. 
she is such a stunning lady, i admire her and what she does. she is a mother and married to a great guy currently doing his residency. she used to planning multi-million dollar weddings in new york for years. this is how we connected. really she was interested in me from the start. she was one of those clients that you just loved having in your chair. she reminded me of tammy, and that is an amazing quality. to be that scattered and productive, she just needs help… an assistant of sorts. 
I'm really good at helping people, whether it be to choose things… or just for some extra hands, opinions… travel partners, etc, i have fun hanging out with older women. they are far ahead of me and inspire me to be, they are mature and i really believe i have more in common with them than girls my age. i just had a really good time with her.  and i became very inspired to start sewing… very very soon. i want to create the best maxi skirts, i can start there… because every girl my age wants a good affordable maxi skirt. they are just something amazing to own when traveling… around the house… for an event. so many different types! 
by the end of our time.. we had run over late an hour and were rushing back. i got a really bad headache (most likely from sensory overload) and i came home to snack. i caught up with mom and drank coffee… then took a nap. a nap that exceeded well into the evening…i missed painting time with ali, which now i feel bad about… and i don't even remember my dreams. i was just so exhausted from all the … creativity. i needed to rest… plus my painting is frustrating me right now. no excuse, i was just so warm and comfortable asleep. i woke up just in time to make it to yoga class. the sun was setting and it was really chilly out, i was glad to walk into the small studio, it was comforting and warm. the teacher was very over zealous and quickly hurried me into my place. i was a little unsettled about this, but that is what i get for being "just" on time.  it was only the three of us, she was able to help us more and pay attention to the details of our practice. i enjoyed her enthrusaim and it did seem that she knew about what she was teaching. i prefer teachers that are older than me… but still look young and vibrant. she complimented us and was very reassureing in her comments. it was nice to have someone compliment me, i work really hard to have such a delicate and controlled practice. just as we were winding down… it started to rain. just enough that you could hear it dancing on the tin roof, while we lay still and rested. it stopped just in time… staying after just a few minutes to chat with her. i wasnt really in a hurry, i noticed that a coffee shop had music tonight. i turned around and locked my bike up.. excited that i came in. quite the crowd was gathered in the other side room… a good space, i like the sound. enjoying a green tea latte and listening to the music was exactly what i needed in my life. i found a chair and got comfortable. each person performed about one or two songs… poems. many of the artist reminded me of people from home. the sister duo sang songs they had just written… one talking about how much she loves to see him smile… he is just a stranger, but she chooses to like him. the guy that struck some chords and had an entourage reminded me of sterling… if he were to write songs and perform them. tall and handsome, but oh so quirky… i know he gets his way a lot of the time. then there was liz. she sang back up and then performed a few poems. i liked where she was at and some of the words she spoke. "true love is when you radiate with them in your thoughts" .
that explains a lot for me. i am so internally happy because i am indeed thought about… i think about a lot of those that i love each day.
this true love is getting me close to my true self.
she commenting on my yoga mat and we began to talk. she also liked my stella and dot scarf… we exchanged information and chatted while. i also met george and he performs there too. i found out where i am supposed to be to find the music. it is just a matter of time now.
i feel like it is ridiculous that i have waited this long.
i biked home in the sprinkles of water, quickly… smiling that i had just discovered this piece of heaven for myself.
i ate dinner and chatted with the boys, its not often that we are all home and in the kitchen. oliver made some soup that he shared with me. i spent some time trying to figure out this stella and dot party… staying up so late and trying not to worry with things that i can't control. i have so much ahead of me for the following days that it will be good for me. it will occupy my mind. it is days like today that are my retreat. reminding me of what is to come my way…. dreams of this day. i am supposed to be here.

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