
This day was good. I managed to make it to work on time this morning... And I was excited to have a client, repeat color client on the books. She was overwhelmingly nice and was very excited about her much younger boyfriend. I had a vision for her hair, once again.. No pictures. It turned out beautiful and was a well placed merlot red with platinum overall base. I think she will really love it... And I enjoyed catching up with her. It still amazes me that these clients remember me and my work. I started to sweat as I began to speak too much about boys.. It's really silly that I even talk about them because they don't really exist.. They are just a figment of my imagination.. And I'm not sure how I feel... Actually I do, I need to be quiet about it.. But I do know that feelings are real. They have to be.. Else why do these boy(s) consume me. Seriously.. My day went by quickly and soon four o'clock was there.. I managed to get a quick coffee and talk with the coffee shop guy.. Micheal is it? Stopped in at bella mia to talk with niya's sister and Also see the clothes. My last haircut client was the beautiful Valentina, who reminds me of Manveena... She was a lovely and inspirational woman in my chair. She too has relationship issues right now and is fighting her own battles trying to understand love. I just don't know all the answers, hell.. I'm trying to figure them out myself. She talked about music and jewelry and art shows.. I was thankful to see her today.. Maybe she'll read the blog, I don't know if I even want people to read it yet. I don't think I'm ready for that challenge. Then again, no one really asked me. I know that sex sells and that is where I am at right now. 
I packed my things and straightened up.. Talked to Ali on the ride home. I regret missing out on seeing her yesterday.. But it was good to catch up. I got home and quickly packed and got ready for the video shoot. I am very excited about this, I'm trying to make sure to be overly prepared and also to not sike myself out over this. It's just kinda cool that I get an opportunity to do this, it's really wild that it is all happening. I am so thankful that daniel was able to take me to meet Will in Santa Monica. I had him meet us at a dive bar. It was beautiful to see the full moon... Only a month ago I was spending it with austin. I truly now want to see him and play catch up. I suppose thirty days is enough to know if you miss.. Or at least are interested in someone. The bar is called Trip and is perfectly placed on the corner near the sea. The neon Cheshire Cat in the window is a good sign. It's lovely to know that dive bars exists on both coast.. This one fit perfectly into my repitour and reminded me of home. We only had a quick beer and heard a few songs.. I tagged the guys bathroom wall with "critter mania". The band wasn't that great. From one boy to the next.. I was so happy to see Will. It has been over a month and we had a lot of catching up to do. He is a lovely soul... I know where he comes from, and it's still hard to believe I am here doing this. One day.. One step... Meeting each person with purpose. It's very important to be here, taking advantage of each moment.  

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