
this day was monumental.
it was easier to get up because i was sleeping on will's couch and knew that i had a journey back to long beach ahead of me. getting ready was a quick thing, will's alarms kept going off…for almost an hour before he got up. its funny that he told me the night before to wake him up becuae he would be able to sleep through all the nonsense. he gave me money for a cab ride and i walked down to santa monica blvd. its not like new york, you can't just find a cab… you have to call. the morning was absoluelty beautiful, feels like spring and the flowers are so vibrantly colored. i took a few pictures of the purple trees… this color soothes.
after a minute of waiting, a yellow cab pulled up… and off to union station. i like being able to look around… its when I'm traveling around california that i have time to sit and think… really?? you live here. all the architecture is cool in this part of town. i start to think about what it would be like living here in this part, it would most definitely benefit my career. i would be able to make a lot more connections… but there is a comfort for me now in long beach. 
the traffic is bad, but i suppose it is better than earlier in the morning. i looked around to see all the people. no one was paying any attention to what was really happening. one girl who we were riding alongside was just putting on her mascara the entire time.. she didn't look ahead of her for awhile. others were texting, looking up and then down… up and down. some had head phones in… just looking around. i started to wonder off in my head about what it would mean for all this to end. what if we need to pay attention to something? 
its just wild to try and comprehend how many people are living over here, especially in LA.
we make it to the station in good time, the tab is the exact amount that will gave me money for… he predicted that well. i love this train station. standing in amazement, looking up at the ceiling. it amazes me that these types of buildings could be built in the early part of our founding… the youngest country, we figured a few things out on our own. the process was much easier and less chaotic, early in the morning is a peaceful time to be at the station. i will soon learn more about this and will be able to get a lot of places. the red line travel is underground… so its not that pleasurable but the next train, blue line, to long beach is above ground. it does cross through some very shady places… but the view is cool. i took a seat in the back and set up to be comfortable. the soundtrack was good, jaclyn had sent me some songs on spottily. one in particular … time and time again by the counting crows… classic. it made me cry. i couldn't hold it back, i was just so overwhelmed with emotion. there is so much for me here… i have so many ideas and my determination makes me crazy. it overwhelms me with the choices that i need to be making. my time will come… but i have to wait for it. i have to wait. 
i had an idea to have harry on this train singing a part of a video… with the low lying world behind him. this is something that others will not understand… this is something most of america will never see or experience. the train to LA. i can see so much in my head. is that how others brains work too? or am i a strange one…
we arrived in downtown long beach just in time for me to walk over a mile back to the apartment… which is still under heavy construction and then bike to work. i was able to spend a few minutes chatting with one of the guys on the project, he mentioned he had just moved here a year ago from florida. my ride to work was fast, i really had to pee and there was no running water at the house. it was hot and sunny at this time of the day. i got to work and was surprised to find the front rearranged. it looked really nice… lots of new paul mitchell product. its good to switch up the pace, move things around. i was so tired and sweaty when i arrived, london laughed a little. but my day had already maxed out my energy. of couse i got a walk-in immediately, i took a few minutes to collect myself and cool off. 
i spent some time sitting outside recapping the day before, the breeze was nice and london and i discussed how we are indeed introverts. i ate a really delicious salad from george's greek cafe and then got a walk in appointment. he was one of my first clients, john mcdowell. he is a nice guy but i was a little apprehensive when jeanette told me about the appointment because he kinda gave me a weird feeling last time. but the appointment this time was well… i was not happy that he smelled of alcohol and he does still give me that weird feeling… i just have to fight through it. he has a great head of hair and i liked his haircut. 
the rest of the day was quiet and i spend about an hour just watching and listening to you tube videos about how to play "stay" on the piano and guitar. i am very serious about being able to do this… but i don't even know the basics of either instrument. it constantly upsets me that i didn't dedicate more of my childhood to perfecting an insruement… but those two years of playing the flute have to count for something. i just need to refresh my brain with all the notes and things… 
then i was able to create a beautiful look on susie. it was one of those haircuts that i wasn't sure if it would turn out like how i excepted… but i took my time and really tried to pay attention. right before i started summer ran upstairs to tell me that austin had made an appointment to come in and get a haircut with claudia on saturday. it immediately made me sweat and nervous…. i humorously scolded her about telling me… reminding me of that kid. but I'm just glad that i will be busy with clients that day. but i would like my hair to look good.
i finished about an hour later and the outcome was beautiful. i think it suited her well… a modern bob with lots of movement. it may still need a few changes later… but i was really impressed.
i was so glad to bike home, the weather had changed and now it was cold and windy, the sunset was really vibrant. a very eerie orange and pink haze that was hovering over the city. the construction was still going on.. they were working late to make sure that we had one shower for the night. i joked that i really needed one. i was thankful that ian and daniel shared pizza with me… and wine. then oliver came out to have a very nice discussion… he has been spending time with us a lot lately because andrew has been busy with his play. its nice getting to know these guys better. they have become such a support system to me, they will be missed greatly. i don't even want to begin thinking about leaving them. but time will tell…. then oliver paid me a great compliment. the same one that alex gave me last october… that i am the perfect example of a christain. he started it with "what does it mean to you to be a christaian?" thats a tough question. but i suppose it is… that i lead by example and love others. the moment was really nice, refreshing… and surprising because i don't know that i have done that much to make an impression… but i suppose i have said, or not said… just enough.
i contemplated coloring my hair again but then ended up just laying in bed and massaging my scalp for about and hour… and then had a wonderful conversation with will. he compliments me on the other night and then we start to brainstorm about the summer and making more music videos. i am so serious about getting one of those bands a good video from home… to have garrett flown out there…. wow, this project could be amazing. but just the work it will take to convince the boys that i have the right …. holy goodness i have the right connections in hollywood? isn't that just crazy… it only took four months and i am well on my way. i fell asleep with all the lights on… in the right happy mood… i skipped washing my hair again. its just too much to deal with right now… 

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