
waking up is hard to do, I'm stuck in my dreams… but since i keep waiting until the following morning to write, i have lost the memory. habits are hard to follow for me, I'm very tired at night and since this day was boring… i haven't much drive.
the bike ride was nice and quiet. sunday morning rides to work are peaceful, the sun was out and my soundtrack was nice. future islands.. reminds me of home. work is slow, my first color appointment got caught up at immigration, she had to cancel, which is a bummer. i waited for her for two hours… then gave up. spending time eating and just walking back and forth. london and i sat around and read satire of the bible that his atheist friends posted online, we had a small group of people for a few minutes to talk about it. but they were uninterested after awhile and moved on. london left early… and then i was bored. a girl named tuesday lionelle from wilmington north carolina made an appointment with me later in the day. i spent alot of time on her hair, conditioning it and paying close attention to her cut. her hair needed a lot of care and i loved her company. her eyes were amazing. she is out here to go jewelry and fashion school… its a dream of everyone's who comes out here. we have a lot in common, as i do with many girls my age. i guess we all came out here to be… discovered?
i wait patiently around for another appointment, but it was really a waste of time. i get bored and start texting people, james and i have an ongoing conversation about what i am doing out here, he makes me think with his questions and i always talk in rhyme to him. he thanks me for the intellectual conversation… then i research some venues… free music at alexs, but i have no one to go with. i ask around but everyone is busy. Facebook leads me to lindsey's blog "unwritten", it is set up beautifully.. all white and very pure. she talks about god heavily, and you can tell that she struggles… but her metaphors are simple… i tear up a few times, she mentions that she misses her sister who moved to california…i catch up with a few people back home. i am now debating going home for a visit, shell really needs a haircut, so does ara and i need to just catch my breath. this place is wearing me down. i stay until almost seven, which allows me to be able to bike with the sun still up… my ride is quick. i text a few others… tyler sullivian (jones), something reminded me of his existence, his response… I'm waiting those two more years… i told him i'd marry him in five years… three years ago? now that just seems all too close for comfort and unless he plays an instrument and travels the world as a rock star, i doubt that i will be interested. i make a really nice meal for myself, watch a strange romantic movie titled "take this waltz"… a girl has an affair and marries another man.. but she isn't happy with either. and then i move on to my room. i am too tired and can't seem to want to paint… i read the history of voltaire, his teachings are simple and make sense, but he was a bit "boring" as well. i just get so damn bored. i fell asleep again with all the lights on… not sleeping too well… you have to have these lame days to introduce you to the good ones. 

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