
When you wake up to the scent of ... Coffee.  The alarm went of early, waking to a breakfast made for me. I enjoyed my time having time with josh before work... The morning was sunny and I got ready quickly.. Off to work at the Oceanside salon. I had a beautiful day of clients, women that influence me everyday. Sitting in my chair so I can give away, constantly everyday. I created beautiful reds... Stunning natural colors that are multidimensional and flowing with... 
The entire day was stunning, I am so thankful for every second. I did all my favorite things. I saw some of my favorite clients, the afternoon was fun. Three new clients, one being this boy that I never met before last night, he's been around all along. It's wild how this island hides people... His appointment was nice, very comfortable. He reminded me so much of Ashton. The blond beautiful curls.. Blue eyes, good skin. It still amazes me how take time took place, and is now gone. I had dinner with Lindsey and mom&dad at tortugas, funny because it was recently in GQmagazine. It was nice to be with them, it's like nothing changed... Except they remodeled the bathroom.  I had a nice drive to southern shores, had a drink while allen closed the bar. Bourbon and hot tea with honey, some lemon. After convincing my friends to join me at this house party.. The blue grass festival was exactly what we needed. Everyone was out of their minds, watching them was weird... A mixture of island people. Those that were in a land of .. The bluegrass  music always takes me home. We didn't socialize... But with each other... It's been too long with out my beck. So the back drop was hilarious to be a part of, I've been there before and I can truly say that it is where I am meant to stay. A crowded house party in the middle of nowhere. Right before we left a guy, named Joey, beccame fascinated with me, it was a bit much. He first recognized that beck and I were only talking to each other. Then we proceeded to have weird conversation. About boys that I may marry, I lied about getting married. But I'm with a unicorn, a magical talented creature that I am looking forward to meeting. We left the songs and headed south. The trip began with some orange juice and a walk to the beach. The entire day makes me reflect, like the moon against the clouds. The freezing temperatures.. Made me stop and stare. This beach saves me everytime, like a fix. I kept replaying the conversation over and over. I hope he doesn't break my heart as well, but honestly... He already is in my head. He has pushed me off a cliff and I knew I would never be the same. 

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