
I'm not sure… but i think from now on things will become very different. i am starting to fit now.. it is more of what i know to be what makes me happy. i was relieved to be able to lie in bed this morning and just be.. of course i slept weird and it hurt my back… i need to stop falling asleep with my laptop. i just need to separate work and sleep time. but i feel i don't have enough time. 
i dreamed about being at home eating at a big round table with all my friends. i was so excited to be sitting with that many people… all those that i truly love, having a home cooked meal. 
this symbolizes the gathering of the group at home.. our empire.
there has to be a king and a queen.
any rockstar has to have a good woman behind the scenes. the one he is with the majority of the time. she is more of a muse than a lover. she has so much power that he can't seem to tame… but it drives him mad. mad enough to make a mess just to keep her interested… i can see it all now.

my clients were good. but there was an underlying excitement. i was glad that my insight fringe shirt and san fran teal silk blazer… pumped up kicks. my hair was so bright, fluffy and clean. it felt good to have it down again… i was able to spend time with ali and her mom for awhile. she is so lovely … ali ran a marathon with her dad today…. he waited until the last minute to catch up with her.
"hello tehra"… says austin. with his usual smile on his face, he had a hair cut with claudia today and i was glad that i had francisco in my chair for most of it… he is a cool guy and i like working on his haircut.. talking about the crazy adventures of cleopatra and my cross county mad dash .. art. he liked the photos… its a good conversation piece. i should run the actual instagram shots… 
i could feel his energy as soon as he entered the room, it took all i could do not to stare. but really… i overheard only one small section … that he was saving money to get his tour bus and get on the road… 
thats all i needed to hear. right?
well i spent time with london downstairs while we looked at apocalyptic fashion… which i love. and then i fooled around and had fun.. one wonan said.. "is that your wife?" …. well actually. we both just avoided the subject. he came downstairs as i was lifting orange juice… he laughed and touched my arms. "working on those muscles". haha
then he perked up before leaving with a somewhat awkward comment about going to see a show soon. it was awkward, but that is to be expected. what i really wanted to say… "i miss you and i want you in my life lets hang out beside each other forever because i love to stare into your eyes…" but you just don't say those things to a stranger. but i was thankful for that moment to look and see him still.. i am still that into him.
it is a coin toss really.
niya came in to get her hair styled with feathers. london has beautiful long organic looking ones… this time around it is different placement and colors. more natural… like they are just one with your hair. it is just so good to have her as a friend. she is a beautiful soul… one that i hope to travel to europe with, especially when i am exhausted and tired from touring with harry and austin.

the bike ride home was nice, the breeze cooled everything down a bit, but i still managed to become very sweaty in just a few minutes. i had some free time to mess around my room and work on my writing before niya picked me up. she brought jordan with her, a guy friend she has been spending some time with.. we drove downtown to the art walk and parked at vons. i was wearing a big blue coat… faux fur coat, which it was the perfect temperature for. i like to make a statement with my clothes, even if it is a bit too much… for comfort. it makes people look twice. i spent a lot of time talking to each vendor, as i am very good at making human connections. i bought a lovely rose gold pinky ring that i will add to the daily ensemble of right hand rings, i also was inspired by a stripped maxi. then we moved on to meet jeremy who is a rare bird that looks like he stepped out of the notebook. he lives near the salon and niya knew him from the coffee shop.. he makes leather things and i am very interested and getting a few books made. especially a dark red one, my daily journal is about to be full and he uses good off white paper… we chatted with a few more people and looked at some artwork. it was good to get inspired… and i would love to go to these things and actually spend $400 dollars on a piece of art, i especially fell in love with this hummingbird piece that i want in my moms house. one day… i met sarah and she does art with paint movement, her work is brilliant. she had a piece… one in particular of a silver fox with a dark green background, she offered to sell it to me for only $50… perfect deal but i do not have money to spend right now on art… i would love a print. it has personal meaning to me…. reminds me of when harry and i first got together, he constantly called me a fox that night… a silver fox is the highest of compliements… that beautiful sneaky dark creature.
i met one of my clients and his girlfriend, he has amazing photos, i particularly like one of this butterfly that was on the side of the focus of the picture. i wanted to have it… but once again, since i knew the guy  and i don't have any extra right now, i decided to wait. but i will remember that one…
the art walk shut down around ten, which was a bummer because i forgot that i needed to visit heathers frame shop/gallery. i really wanted to show her that i was serious about coming, but i pretty much got too distracted and turned around to even know where to start looking for her place… 
we walked around and found a place to sit and get a drink and a snack. after going to a few places and not being happy with the selection or service, we ended up at the stave. it was a really neat place, i like the old aesthetic there, the gold tin ceiling and the leather booths. this reminded me of somewhere that i would like to have dinner with london.. have a good whisky cocktail. we sat in the corner around a big piece of silver marble, had lemonade sangria and a tour of italy cheese plate. i liked what niya said about me… "there is something in your eye that is so mysterious, like you are thinking about something. it is so interesting.. like the good kinda bad. that is what got me.. i want to know what is going on in there. i don't doubt you one bit…"
thank you. 
she dropped me off at my "palace"… and i went inside to light my candle that i bought.. the smell reminds me of michelle… patchouli and honeysuckle. did just a little writing and went to sleep with no alarm set. it will be nice to just wake up naturally. 

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